How to Create Entry without Spectacle

  1. Click on “Quick Sale”.

  2. The option with “*” {Mobile, First Name and Last Name} is mandatory to fill.
  3. Other options are not mandatory.
  4. By using “Click Here To Add New Items” you can add new items in receipt which is not in an inventory.
  5. If you click on “Direct to Order” then the product direct include in receipt.
  6. You can add Scheme.
  7. You can use barcode or title to add items directly in a receipt.
  8. Date and delivery date is only mandatory in “Sales Order Detail”.
    This is a Products list which is added.

  9. Options with this marks“*” are mandatory to fill
  10. Customer is paying full amount so there is option for generate invoice.
  11. Tick that generate invoice and save.