Purchase Payment

  1. Click on “Purchase” and open “Order”.
  2. Click on “Add New”.
  3. Option with “*” are mandatory to fill.
  4. Other options are not mandatory.
  5. Option with “*” are mandatory to fill.
  6. Other options are not mandatory.
  7. This option for the product which is not adds in your inventory and you want to add and order.
  8. You can add existing item by “Bar Code” and “Title”.
  9. And save it.
  10. Now select the order and click on “Authorise Order”.
  11. Now open “Inward”.
  12. Click on add new.
  13. Option with “*” are mandatory to fill.
  14. Select the order and save the product.
  15. Open invoice.
  16. Click “Add New”.
  17. Select the “Supplier” and “Inward No.”
  18. And save it.